Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Taking a Risk

I don't consider myself a writer, yet I am a teacher of writing. (Does the one impact the other? perhaps another post?) Let me be clear, I can recognize good writing. I can help others revise their writing. I even think that ocassionally I can inspire others to write. But I don't count myself as a writer.

I've decided it's time to take a risk. A colleague referred me to Dean Shareski's post where he challenges teachers to think of what writing is within a networked world. I can't say I disgreed with much of what he is saying, but in all honesty, I don't want to accept his challenge. I don't want my thoughts out for the world to see. I don't want my learning made public. However, our students are networked in a way that I am not. My goal in taking this risk that makes me feel uncomfortable is to experience what I believe is one component that will make writing meaningful for our students, an authentic audience.

So much to learn and experience! Kind of exciting.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your angst when writing for a global audience. I am new to blogging as well and trying to enjoy the process.

    I love to read and enjoy reading what others write and post through facebook, twitter and through blogs. I also read somewhere that I should be blogging myself if I expect my students to do so. I know that going through the writing process as a writer has certainly reminded me of what my students may be experiencing as writers.
